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EB Stone

We’ve Had High Standards Since 1916

Being able to grow your own organic veggies from home, like peppers and eggplants, is very rewarding and very easy to do!

eggplant icon

How to Grow Peppers & Eggplants

Items you'll need: Raised bed or large grower container, Peppers, Eggplants, E.B. Stone Organic Raised Bed Mix, E.B. Stone Sure Start Organic Fertilizer, E.B. Stone Organic Tomato & Vegetable Food

Step 1: Fill your raised bed or large grower container (5 gal or larger) with E.B. Stone Organic Raised Bed Mix

Step 2: Dig as many holes as needed, then gently lift your peppers, eggplants or other veggies out of their grower pots. Place the veggies in the raised bed or grower container and space your eggplants or peppers minimum 18” apart

Step 3: Sprinkle E.B. Stone Sure Start Organic Fertilizer on the roots to help reduce transplant shock

Step 4: Cover the roots with E.B. Stone Organic Raised Bed Mix and water thoroughly

Check Out These E.B. Stone Products For Growing Peppers & Eggplant

  • Raised Bed Bale

    • 100% Natural and Organic Potting or Planting Mix
    • Can be used as both a soil amendment or ready to use potting soil
    • Ready to use right out of the bag for any raised bed


    Available Sizes

    3 cu ft
    Learn More +

A Sunny Location Is Important For Peppers & Eggplants

Make sure your raised beds or large grower containers are in a sunny location for peppers and eggplants. These veggies prefer full sun to promote a good harvest...and don't forget to add a stake for support as the plants begin to grow larger!

Note: *Be sure to stake your peppers and trellis your eggplants for added support. Remember to feed with E.B. Stone Organic Tomato & Vegetable Food and water regularly throughout the growing season. We recommend using 100% E.B. Stone Organic Raised Bed Mix, which is ready to use right our of the bag.

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Growing Eggplants?